How to save $$$ when dealing with LICE

Top 4 Ways to Save $$$$$$$$ when dealing with Lice: If a lice treatment center sells sprays to “de bug” your home you should be highly suspicious of their integrity.The experts are very clear that lice DO NOT live in your home. They live on your head and that anyone who is selling a spray […]

Step Away From That Box of Rid or Nix

I see people every week who are frustrated because they have treated their child (sometimes 3x) with pesticides such as Rid or Nix and the kiddo still has bugs.  It’s time and money wasted because the bugs are now resistant.  The latest study I read said only 30% of the bugs in your child’s hair […]

What exactly is SUPER LICE?

What exactly is SUPER LICE?  And more importantly, how do I avoid it?!! “Super Lice” has been getting a lot of airtime recently, and I wanted to clear up some common misconceptions.  Let’s start first with where the term came from.  Contrary to popular belief, super lice look no different /are not larger or stronger […]

Buzz Cuts Don’t Prevent Lice

Happy almost Spring!  Just wanted to share a few random factoids with you on head lice and nits/eggs. 1. Boys with buzz cuts are equally as likely to get lice if their hair touches someone who has it. Additionally, shaving a child’s head will not eliminate them unless you shave it down to the scalp. 2. Repellent […]

Prescription vs my plan

How effective are the “one and done” prescriptions for killing lice? With all the confusion surrounding which chemicals work and which ones are no longer effective in killing lice (promethium is no longer effective and it’s the most common one-used in Rid and Nix), I get asked a lot, “I have heard there is a […]

No Cleaning/ No Crying

I am a bit baffled.  Lately, I’ve been getting comments from people who say they love reading the blog but that they are exhausted by all the cleaning that you have to do when you have head lice. Which once again makes me wonder if they have really read many posts. Because if you read […]

Reasons a Lice Prescription might not work

Reasons a Lice Prescription might not work: Often times the Dr. prescribes a prescription with the same chemicals-Permethrin-as the OTC Rid and Nix brands (which no longer kill lice-google “super lice” for more info). User error.You must follow the application instructions very carefully and ensure that you get every bit of hair and scalp coated […]

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