Buzz Cuts Don’t Prevent Lice

Happy almost Spring!  Just wanted to share a few random factoids with you on head lice and nits/eggs.

1. Boys with buzz cuts are equally as likely to get lice if their hair touches someone who has it. Additionally, shaving a child’s head will not eliminate them unless you shave it down to the scalp.
2. Repellent sprays and shampoos DO NOT work. Not Fairy Tales,… not spraying tea tree oil in your child’s hair, etc. I can’t tell you how many kids I have treated whose mom says, “I don’t understand how we got it? We use Fairy Tales religiously!” Scientists also have found no evidence that they work.
3. Good news for our pups…dogs are safe from lice! Head lice only live on human heads.
Feel free to call our Free Advice Lice Hotline if you have questions or concerns.

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